"Me Too" in Menopause
You become farty and burpy, and your bones creak and shriek. The glass of wine gives you a sleepless night. Your skin becomes crinkled and wrinkled. Suddenly you become quite noisy- as you start overreacting to inane dialogues. Everyone around you is noticing the change but you dismiss,” Bah… it is ok .. Nothing is wrong with me.” You start losing your energy and you chide yourself and only yourself, “.Come on lady, you are just getting old. Accept it as it has happened to your mother, your grandmother, and your great-grandmother. You are part of the “Bloom ” group also, but still, you think this is something that happens to others. Conversations and threads, on that forum, do not relate to you.
“There comes a time when you hear a certain call !” (quoting Michael Jackson from “We Are the World”) when your implants fail. After you had gone through a painful implant retrieval process without anesthesia on the dental chair because this rogue implant had a mind of its own. It had decided to lie horizontally in your sinus canal, instead of vertically standing on the left side of your jaw. The right side dental implant had decided to come out to enjoy your relative’s marriage ceremony as it disagreed with the bone grafting procedure done on the right jaw bone.
You are shocked as you are about to score a brownie point by complaining about your food and the
culprit is your highly expensive implant. Then you start thinking, “Why me? “The painful realization hits home when your dentist tells you, “Madam! you are 50. You may be hitting your menopause. Take care of your bone health and get a DEXA scan done. Oops, your “Me too” moment dawns.
Then start the rounds of gynecologists and you start taking Bloom seriously. You start participating in the conversation threads and find that others are also feeling the same. The hot flashes and cold spells could have been avoided, only if you had taken Bloom seriously. The enormity of the simple endeavor of the “Bloom” community dawns upon you. A minefield of information is laid here. It explodes when you listen to snippets of well-researched podcasts by experts on self-love, ayurveda, gut health, bone health, and soon. I can continuously gloat over the fact that I am Bloom Diva,
Go Discover Yourself and be a #Bloom Diva
Ravneet, a bloomdiva